Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Travel: San Diego Zoo Safari Park, San Diego, Day 13

June 30, 2012 -- With AP gone, Enrique and I decided to spend the day at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park.

Having gone to the San Diego Zoo on my last trip, I figured the Safari Park would be a nice change of pace.  I wasn't disappointed!  The trip to the Safari Park is a good 30 to 40 minutes north and east of San Diego, but it has plenty of room for the animals to roam.  That's Eric the rhino pictured below (yes, Eric!)

The giraffes were out and about ...

Elephants were happy ...

And I was very intrigued with the okapi, discovered in the Congo only 100 years ago!

We had fun with the gorillas as well, and I'm happy to say that I'm nowhere near as large as a full grown ape!

We strolled about the park for a good 4 to 5 hours, so if you decide to go be sure to wear comfortable walking shoes.  The tram ride around the safari last for about 30 minutes and is well worth the wait.  I wished we could have seen the cheetah run, but it was already a long day and that event wouldn't start until 5 PM.  As with anything that deals with animals heed this sign's advice:

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