Thursday, September 6, 2012

Fitness: Merrimack Valley YMCA, Andover, MA

September 6, 2012 -- Well, I bit the bullet, signed up for TRX Training at the Merrimack Valley YMCA, and attended my first group class yesterday.  Let me tell you, I'm sore today!  The TRX class is a 40-minute session where you use suspended cables and your own body weight to do multiple exercises.  The workout is a cross between weight training, cardio, and yoga.  There's plenty of movement to get a good sweat going, exercises to hit your larger muscle groups, and plenty of core training to tighten your abs.  I'm a bit clumsy when trying to adjust the straps to my handles, as well as to hook them over my heels and ankles, but the reward is worth it!  I'm sure after a few more sessions I'll get the hang of the straps and be able to zip through the workouts more smoothly.

I did have to pay extra to take these classes.  I spent $120 for the Fall session on top of my monthly membership fee.  Also, since I'm a visiting member, I had to pay the community price, which is a bit more than for a local member.  All in all, its been a great experience.  I can feel the fat melting off of me now!  Hope to see you there for the next session!

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