Thursday, July 5, 2012

Fitness: Seaport Village Route, San Diego, Day 12

June 29, 2012 -- AP is gone!  He's flying back to RI, just when I was rewarded with a three day weekend.  With the whole day ahead of me, the first thing I needed to do was get in a workout.  Behind the Manchester Grand Hyatt is the Seaport Village and along with that is a long walkway that goes on for miles.  However, on this morning I felt more like the Millennium Falcon avoiding asteroids!  This place is loaded with tourists, who I've dubbed "meanderthals" since they walk aimlessly around, oblivious to my jogging.

Tourists aside, the running route is full of sites, being right on San Diego Bay.  There are shops and restaurants all along Seaport Village, the USS Midway -- a retired air craft carrier, Embarcadero Park -- a beautiful area that juts out into the Bay, and much more.  Depending on your skill level, you can easily run for an hour without straying from the walkway.  Of course if you wanted to brave the city streets you can do that as well.  So, as you can see there's no reason for you to miss your running workout when staying in downtown San Diego.

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