Thursday, July 19, 2012

Food: Wang's, North Park San Diego, Day 14

July 1, 2012 -- Being a Sunday and still recovering from the day at the Safari Park, I figured a day poolside at my hotel, the Manchester Grand Hyatt, was in order.  Enrique was exhausted and he had things to do, so my day was set.  I took a nice, long stroll along the waterfront and Seaport Village before grabbing some food supplies from the local Ralph's super market.  After that, I finished reading the book I had brought with me to San Diego, The Last Templar.  A pretty good read if you like the mystique of the Templar Knights and the coveted treasures and secrets they have been hiding for a thousand years.

Later that day I had to take care of a good week's supply of laundry -- hey, even I need to be domestic from time to time!  Enrique pointed me to a laundromat in North Park called Get It Clean.

If you have to do laundry while on travel, and if you don't have services in your hotel, this is a fine place to go.  It took me a little over an hour to wash and dry my clothes.  But, I'm not here to blog about life's necessities!

Of course when I mentioned to Enrique that I was in the North Park area he had a restaurant in mind.  He said he heard about a great Chinese Food buffet called Wang's.  Well, they didn't have a buffet, but the food was by far some of the best Chinese Food I ever had.  And take a look at the size of this place ...

There were plenty of tables and seating, and the restaurant was suprisingly packed for a Sunday night.  There was even a function room that was under construction upstairs.  Very impressive and I'll be sure to go back there again some time.  Our hostess was gracious enough to pose for a picture, especially after we told her that she would be in my blog!

And no night would be complete if Enrique didn't have dessert.  I wasn't surprised when he said we had to stop in at Heaven Sent Desserts.  There was more chocolate there than meets the eye!  Believe it or not, I didn't get any snacks, but rest assured, Enrique took a doggy bag home!

Though nothing Earth shattering happened today, we both knew that Rocco was arriving tomorrow ...

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