Monday, June 11, 2012

Fitness: A Great Way to Start the Day!

One of my favorite activities besides writing and baseball is my devotion to fitness.  During the work week I like to run three times and do circuit training twice.  Throw in an occasional yoga class and a baseball game and  I have myself a pretty full workout schedule.

My favorite running route, which I did today at 7AM, starts at the Newport County (RI) YMCA (where I'm a member) to Easton's Beach in Newport, RI (known as First Beach to the locals), to Forty Steps on Cliff Walk and back.  The whole route is about 4 1/3 miles, but it's the scenery that makes the run special.  The temps were in the low 60s, the air was dry and crisp, and the sun gave me just enough warmth without overheating my body.

If you're a runner and visiting the area, I would put this route on your list.  Depending on your speed, you can run this circuit in 35-40 minutes, take in the sights, and enjoy a beautiful Newport morning (or day or night!)  And, I can always use a running partner, so look for me if you're up and ready to run at 7AM Monday, Wednesday, or Friday and find yourself near the Y.  I promise I won't run too fast!

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